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A concert featuring the outstanding cellist and Artistic Director of the Festival di Maggio in Campania, Giuliano De Angelis, along with the internationally acclaimed and award-winning pianist, Paolo Scafarella, performing works by Beethoven, Schumann, and Piazzolla.



A few details about the artists


Giuliano De Angelis graduated with celebrated cellist and pedagogue Marianne Chen. As soloist he played, abroad, in California, Arizona, Louisiana, Cina, Bulgaria, and in Italy in Sanremo, Portofino, Roma, Frosinone, Rieti, Pescara, Teramo, Chieti, Bari, Messina, Reggio Calabria. As principal cellist he played with many orchestras, like Carlo Felice di Genova, Orchestra Filarmonica Della Calabria, Vittorio Emanuele Orchestra in Messina, Cilea in Reggio Calabria and he cooperated with Berliner Symphoniker and Petruzzelli Orchestra in Bari. He worked with such celebrated artists, as V.Repin, R.Muti, R.Vlad, D.Renzetti, R.Filippini, I.Pogorelich, A.Carbonare, I.Abdrazakov, Y.Grubert, D.Conti, and, in chamber music, with B.Canino, A.Allegrini, F.Meloni. His most recent recordings were made for Bongiovanni, Rai Trade, Medusa Film, Mediaset, Fabbri Editori. He collaborated with world renowned jazz players, as Galliano, Di Battista, Bosso, Mirabassi, Rea. He studied cello with Sandro Laffranchini, E.Bronzi, F.Pepicelli, L.Piovano e M.Polidori, and chamber music with A.Spiri, M.Zuccarini e Quartetto di Cremona.
He is Artistic Director of Festival di Maggio in Campania (Italy)


Paolo Scafarella was born in 1993 in Puglia (Apulia). He completed his courses at the Conservatory “N. Piccinni” in Bari with highest honors. Scafarella has attained first place in many piano competitions and is regularly invited in important concert seasons in Italy and abroad. Scafarella has undertaken many concert tour, festivals and events in great halls, such as the Theater Impero in Trani, Principal Theater in Corato, Theater Auditorium in Pordenone, Eutherpe Hall in Leon, Auditorium “N.Rota” in Bari and Sala degli Affreschi in the University of Bari. He is also busy working as a concert transcriber for Momenti Edizioni and at the moment he as a collaboration with Zecchini Editore for the release of a monographic book on composers of the Romantic and post-Romantic periods. He is currently part of the artists of the classical music agency “Reggio Iniziative Culturali”, playing both as a solo pianist and in chamber music ensembles.

Αύγουστος 02 2024


Date: Αύγουστος 2
Time: 8:30 μμ - 10:00 μμ
Cost: free
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